How To Prevent Your Centrifugal Blower Bearings From Overheating

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How To Prevent Your Centrifugal Blower Bearings From Overheating

How To Prevent Your Centrifugal Blower Bearings From Overheating

8 December 2015
, Articles

If you have a centrifugal blower in your manufacturing plant that has recently failed due to a bearing, then a new bearing will need to be placed in the fan. Bearings are incredibly important when it comes to blower functionality, because they allow the axle attached to the central impeller to rotate and move the fan. This keeps air moving consistently through the blower. Bearing failure is sometimes caused by wear and tear. However, if your maintenance specialist informs you that the bearing failed due to an overheating issue, then you should do your best to prevent this problem from occurring in the future. Keep reading to learn about some tips to help keep this from happening.

Use and Apply the Correct Lubricant

Bearings are essential to the working of a centrifugal blower because they direct the movement of the impeller axle and they also help to reduce friction as the axle spins. These bearings do retain a lot of friction themselves though, and this is one reason why they need to be lubricated consistently. However, a general lubricant, like one used to keep casters and wheels functioning properly, will not work for centrifugal blower bearings. You will instead need a lubricant for high demand bearings.

To find the right lubricant, look for a product that can withstand high temperatures. Bearing friction as well as motor heat inside the main fan casing will cause bearings to sustain a great deal of heat. You should look for a grease lubricant that contains a synthetic material made for high heat and high speed. Also, ester oil and soap thickener grease products will work well to lubricate bearings. Both of these lubricants are able to withstand temperatures at or above 300 degrees Fahrenheit.

Once you find the right lubricant, you will need to purchase a tool called a grease bearing packer. This tool will allow you to place grease in a compartment and press the end of the device up to the bearing. Grease will be released to fill up a set amount of the space between the balls of the bearing. Usually, about half of the space should be filled with grease, but you should ask your centrifugal specialist about the exact percentage. Never fill up the entire area with grease. While it may seem like this would save you time in adding lubricant in the future, this will actually cause overheating issues that are similar to when lubricant is not added. 

After the lubricant is added, listen carefully for whistling, rumbling, or hammering noises coming from the fan. These sounds usually mean that more lubricant is needed.

Keep the Fan Cool

If you commonly use your blower at high speeds for long periods of time, then the inside of the device is likely to become quite hot. While the addition of high-temperature and high performance lubricant can help to reduce damage from heat, the bearing will overheat if temperatures exceed the working range of the lubricant. This means that you should try to keep the fan as cool as you can.

One of the easiest ways to keep the fan cool is to make sure that the cooling disk is kept in great shape. The cooling disk is a small impeller that helps to move air around the impeller axle and bearings to keep them cool. This part should be cleaned regularly when you complete regular maintenance tasks. Also, move the disk so you know that it spins properly.

Along with cooling disk maintenance, you should make sure that the temperature inside your manufacturing facility remains at a consistent and comfortable temperature. Most people find temperatures around 70 or 72 degrees Fahrenheit comfortable, and milder temperatures like this are also good for keeping your blowers from overheating. Make sure to install a central HVAC system that allows you to control temperatures inside your facility as easily as possible. 

For more information about keeping your blower in good shape, contact a company like Compressor-Pump & Service, Inc.

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cutting the cost of industrial supplies

All of the supplies that your business needs to operate each day can cost you a hefty sum by the end of the year. Of course you can't skip ordering these things because business would come to a halt, but you can find some ways to reduce the cost of those supplies. Our blog will show you different ways to save on the cost of the industrial supplies that your business requires each and every day. Cutting those costs will help you now and many, many years into the future so you can increase the profits you enjoy and your business can thrive.