Essential Safety Tips For Your First Construction Project
Anyone who has worked on a construction site for any length of time can tell you that those environments are full of safety hazards and concerns. If you're new to dealing with construction equipment or just getting ready to rent some for your first project, you may want to brush up on some of the most common safety concerns and how to avoid them. The better prepared you are now, the less chance you'll have of someone getting hurt or damaging the rental equipment.
Avoiding Hazards With Equipment
Especially when you're renting construction equipment, you're going to find yourself faced with a lot of different safety concerns. For example, unfamiliar equipment can be unpredictable. Make sure that your crew all understand the equipment that you're bringing in, how it works and how to safely operate it.
Make it clear that nobody is to jump from the equipment – that's a sure way to cause injuries. Teach everyone how to use the safety rails and handles to get in and out of the equipment. The three-point rule is the best way to go with that lesson. If you aren't familiar, it is the rule that states that you should always have three points of contact on the equipment – either two hands and a foot or two feet and a hand.
Being Attentive to Obstructions
Especially when there's a deadline to meet, crews can get focused and develop tunnel vision. That can be dangerous, especially if it results in overlooking an obstruction either overhead or underground. It's easy to lose sight of a power line or a tiny flag showing an underground pipe.
To prevent problems like this, appoint someone to serve as the safety specialist for each area of the site. That individual is responsible for the things that happen in their zone and it's up to them to ensure that the equipment operators don't miss the big picture as they work toward their daily goals.
Exercising Caution When Working in Reverse
Working in reverse is dangerous, because it can be much harder to spot obstructions and other issues. Although most every piece of equipment will be fitted with a backup alarm that beeps loudly when the equipment is put into reverse, those sounds can be muffled by other activity or ignored as a part of the general background sound of the site.
Every equipment operator should be instructed to clear their area before moving a piece of equipment in reverse. Also, add a reverse camera on each piece of equipment when it arrives on site. The camera will improve visibility for the operator and make it easier to navigate safely.
Enforcing Safety Rules At Elevation
Working at any kind of elevation on a construction site can be a serious safety hazard. Luckily, when your crew understands the basics of using safety harnesses and anchors properly, you've got a better chance of everyone being safe up there. Invest in quality, durable harnesses for fall prevention. You'll want a complete anchor system with rails and clips made from hardened steel. Set a rule that nobody is permitted to work on the elevated platform without wearing the necessary safety gear and having a spotter on the ground under the scaffolds.
Although construction sites can be full of safety hazards, being attentive to your rental equipment and understanding those hazards can help you to ensure your crew's safety. Make safety the responsibility of everyone on site, from the equipment operators to the ground safety team, and that helps to ensure that everyone makes it home without injury or accident. Talk with a local contractor equipment rental company about getting the gear you need before you get started.